Have you ever considered utilizing a golf cart in your everyday life? They are obviously great for zipping around the golf course but believe it or not can also be useful in your residential neighborhood! Perhaps you live in a retirement village or need to move around your university campus. Whatever your situation is, we guarantee a golf cart would probably come in handy!

In this blog, we’ll talk about what you should know in regard to choosing a golf cart so you can pick the one best suited to your needs.

First thing to consider: Gas or Electric

With the rise of electric vehicles, it's no surprise electric golf carts are becoming more popular. With that being said, if you prefer a gas-powered cart, they are still available, reliable, and well-made. This decision is really a personal preference. Icon Electric Vehicles is a manufacturer of electric carts. They have a wonderful selection based on your needs. These carts include 48v Trojan lead-acid battery with an 18-month warranty.

A clear expectation you should know is that gas-powered carts will have more power than electric ones allowing them to be ideal for street use compared to the slow and steady electric carts.  Something to consider is that gas carts are louder and of course not as environmentally friendly as they secrete fumes. Depending on your residential neighborhood layout and possible HOA stipulations an electric golf cart may be the best choice.

While having an electric golf cart is also more cost-effective than a gas-powered cart keep in mind you will need to maintain a charge on the batteries so your cart is always ready for you to take a drive.

Generally, electric golf carts are easier to maintain and typically require less maintenance than gas-powered carts. Maintenance is also considered easier to maintain on your own as there are fewer parts involved.

Do you buy New or Used?

Whichever you are considering just know that CartBarn maintains integrity with our inventory. We have excellent options for used carts and can provide a cart history, so you know how previous owner(s) treated and serviced it. We also have brand new carts available from manufacturers such as E-Z-GO, ClubCar, STAR, ICON, and Commercial Vehicles made by Cushman.

If you are considering a used cart, you should look for one with a zero-accident history. Chances are if it has been in an accident there are parts that may be compromised. Sometimes parts of the cart that can be replaced to make it look as if it is brand new, parts such as canopy, side mirrors, windshield, etc. – these are considered refurbished golf carts. This decision depends on your budget, needs, and your comfort level with a used vehicle.

To take a look at our new and used inventory stop by our showroom Monday thru Friday 8:00am-5:00pm at 8850 Terabyte Ct. Suite G.

What size cart do you need?

Is it just you and your spouse needing to go back and forth to the grocery store? Will you be carrying golf carts and a few friends around the course? Will your cart be used in your retirement community when your grandchildren come to visit? Carts can range from 2 seaters to 6 seats.  Naturally, bigger golf carts are going to have a bigger price tag and higher fuel costs if you have a gas-powered cart.

Now for the fun: Accessories!

By now you should know if you want to buy new or used, whether you prefer gas or electric, and how many seats you must have depending on your lifestyle. Next (and best) are the accessories you can add to your new cart! For your golf cart to be street-legal you will need to seat belts, a windshield, brake lights, turn signals, headlights, and don’t forget a valid license plate!

If you don’t plan on taking your cart on the road you can still customize it. Some models can include add-ons such as:

·       Digital Display

·       Locking front trunk

·       Custom seats

·       USB ports

·       Canopy

·       Mounted coolers

·       Rear-view mirrors

·       Custom tires

Adding all these bells and whistles will cost you extra, however, depending on your needs, customizations can be worth it! If you intended to use your cart for your grocery runs you will need somewhere to place shopping bags securely! If you plan on being out for long periods of time it might be useful to have a mounted cooler to hold your drinks and snacks.

Shop Around

Our advice is to let the CartBarn Sales Department help fit you in the cart or utility vehicle that you need! We do not recommend buying your cart sight unseen through a dealer online. It is useful to build a relationship with a dealer close to where the cart/utility vehicle will be used - this is because you want to be able to easily bring your cart in for any service or repairs in the future. At CartBarn we have a convenient service van available and come to you! We also offer Cart Concierge service; this is where we send a mechanic to your house every 6 months to keep your cart running over the winter months.   


Deciding on a golf cart does not have to be difficult, it’s a fun purchase but you will need to do your research and make sure that the dealer you are working with is reliable and has a good reputation.

When you do buy your golf cart or utility vehicle, regardless of what you’re using it for, drive it carefully and enjoy!